
    nuclear engineering

  • the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction and operation of nuclear reactors


  • A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, esp. a professional or white-collar worker
  • (salaried) receiving a salary; “salaried members of the staff”
  • wage: something that remunerates; “wages were paid by check”; “he wasted his pay on drink”; “they saved a quarter of all their earnings”
  • (salaried) compensated: receiving or eligible for compensation; “salaried workers”; “a stipendiary magistrate”

nuclear engineering salary

nuclear engineering salary – Introduction to

Introduction to Nuclear Engineering (3rd Edition)
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering (3rd Edition)
Offering the most current and complete introduction to nuclear engineering available, this book contains new information on French, Russian, and Japanese nuclear reactors. All units have been revised to reflect current standards. Includes discussions of new reactor types including the AP600, ABWR, and SBWR as well as an extensive section on non-US design reactors; the nuclear Navy and its impact on the development of nuclear energy; binding energy and such topics as the semi-empirical mass formula and elementary quantum mechanics; and solutions to the diffusion equation and a more general derivation of the point kinetics equation. Topics in reactor safety include a complete discussion of the Chernobyl accident and an updated section on TMI and the use of computer codes in safety analysis. For nuclear engineers.

Elia Merzari

Elia Merzari
Nuclear Engineer in Argonne’s Nuclear Engineering Division. Merzari is a member of the research team that has developed a modern suite of computer tools–called the SHARP Reactor Performance and Safety Simulation Suite–that digitally mimic and allow researchers to “see” the physical processes that occur in a nuclear reactor core, including neutron transport, thermal hydraulics and fuel and structure behavior. Argonne’s high-fidelity computer modeling and simulation work in support of advanced nuclear energy systems is a natural outgrowth of the cumulative years of Argonne’s expertise in nuclear energy.

NUCLEAR Scientists & Engineers

NUCLEAR Scientists & Engineers
SALARY TO $16,000

Newspaper ad from 1965

nuclear engineering salary

101 Solved Nuclear Engineering Problems
101 Solved Nuclear Engineering Problems is widely regarded as the best study resource available for nuclear PE exam candidates. 101 exam-like problems cover all the subject areas you are likely to see on the test. This self-contained study guide includes all the tables and data you need to work every problem?all you supply is your calculator. Step-by-step solutions point out common errors to avoid. Both SI and U.S. customary units are used, reflecting standard practice in each subject. A reference list guides you to more information on every topic.
Topics covered
Nuclear Power Systems
Nuclear Radiation
Nuclear Fuel Management
Nuclear Theory
Nuclear Instrumentation
Working through all the problems in this book will help you achieve the most thorough exam preparation.

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